Here is a list of topics that I usually incorporate into the Mental Skill Programs:
Learn how Sports Psychology concepts can enhance your Sports Performance & Lifestyle.
Powers of the Mind.
Life changing Lessons
Lesson 1: Success or Confidence
Lesson 2: Controllability
Lesson 3: Positive Focus’ 6 P’s
The <1% Mind Set
Developing Self-Control and Self-Confidence through proper work ethics and positive internal communication (Be your own Head Coach).
Performing in the ZONE by mastering your Optimal Level of Arousal & Focus of Attention.
Techniques to dealing with Stress and Adversity.
Relaxation & Visualization
“Wow!” Moment Journal
Developing a Personal Sanctuary (Frappy Place)
Positive Internal Dialoging (Spirit of Language)
Goal Setting
Developing Performance triggers
Learn how Sports Psychology concepts can enhance your Sports Performance & Lifestyle.
Powers of the Mind.
Life changing Lessons
Lesson 1: Success or Confidence
Lesson 2: Controllability
Lesson 3: Positive Focus’ 6 P’s
The <1% Mind Set
Developing Self-Control and Self-Confidence through proper work ethics and positive internal communication (Be your own Head Coach).
Performing in the ZONE by mastering your Optimal Level of Arousal & Focus of Attention.
Techniques to dealing with Stress and Adversity.
Relaxation & Visualization
“Wow!” Moment Journal
Developing a Personal Sanctuary (Frappy Place)
Positive Internal Dialoging (Spirit of Language)
Goal Setting
Developing Performance triggers
Additional Services now available to help you develop the Mental Edge.

Phone sessions are now available as well as video calls via the Zoom network. If you are interested in either of these two types of services please contact me for scheduling and cost per session information.
All individual sessions will be via Zoom until further notice.